
Vastu Shastra Score of a House: A Brief Guide

Indian Estate Gorup

Main Entrance of The House

You must assess the direction of the main entrance and ensure it aligns with the Vastu favorable direction. When considering the path of your main home entrance, it is recommended to prefer the North-East direction. As per Vastu, the North-East is the most favorable direction because of its exposure to the revitalizing morning sun, pervading the space with positive energy. 

Another preferred direction would be North. Vastu Sastra says the north-facing main entrance pours positive energy and bestows luck upon the residents. 

Other than these two, East-facing entrances are known for vigor and celebration. However, Vastu says when choosing an east-facing entrance, you must position the entry closer to the northern wall. 

If the entrance on the south wall is the only option, it is recommended to choose South-East over South-West. Next, if you want to keep a West-facing entrance, try prioritizing North-West as it welcomes sunset light and potential prosperity in the house.

Room Placement

As per Vastu Shastra for home, rooms should be placed in a specific order to ensure a peaceful and balanced living environment. 

Mentioned below are some of the key points to consider-

Living Room

The living rooms should be best placed in the house's North or East direction. When positioning the furniture of your living room, ensure they facilitate face-to-face conversations and the seatings are facing North or East directions. 


Vastu prefers a kitchen in the South-East or North-West corner of the house. At the same time, the cook shall face East while cooking. 


The prime bedroom shall be in the South-West direction. The Vastu experts say this direction welcomes stability and peace to the room, which ultimately attracts you when you sleep. Other bedrooms can be in the West or East directions. 

Restrooms and Toilets

You can place your bathrooms or toilets in the North-West, South-East, or South-West corners of the house. Vastu Shastra's home design doesn't support bathrooms or toilets in the North-East or center of the house.

Puja (prayer) Space

If you are keeping a separate puja (prayer) room, allocate it to the northeast corner. Plus, ensure it has proper ventilation, good illumination, and is highly clean and tidy round the clock. 

Study Room or Work Space

Wisely allocate this space and speak to the Vastu Sastra expert before choosing your direction. Generally, a home-work space or study room should be located in the North, East, or North-East of the house to enhance concentration and efficiency.

Dining Room

Vastu Shastra, for the flat, says the dining room should preferably be located in the house's West or East direction. Also, it would be best if you tried to place your dining table facing the East or West direction. 

Organized House

Vastu experts say a hygienic and clean setting always works in favor of you. The mess and clutter hinder positive energy flow in the house, leading to perplexity and an unbalanced mind. 

So, you must ensure your place is clean and appealing. Try not to overload your room. Arrange your belongings in a way that allows people to move around easily and comfortably.

Energy Flow as Per Vastu 

Gauge the positive energy flow, or "prana," and ensure it remains unhindered and easily passable.

Balanced Elements as Per Vastu

Vastu experts recommend balancing your house's five key elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) and ensuring they move freely around the clock. 

The higher the Vastu Score your house possesses, the more positivity it will offer. Vastu contributes a lot to well-being and positive energy.


You must look for remedies if you cannot arrange the house in the Vastu favorable direction. Vastu offers easy remedies, which could be placing mirrors, plants, or specific colors to match the imbalances. You must speak to the Vastu experts for your Vastu Shastra tips and remedies


You must know that these are the general rules of Vastu, and the specifics often vary considering the layout of your home and individual factors. Thus, it is always recommended to consult a Vastu expert for guidance on room location and belonging arrangement to optimize your house's energy flow and harmony. 

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Mei 13, 2020
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Mei 13, 2020
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Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin.

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Jhon Doe
Mei 13, 2020
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Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus.

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